Although, most of the time I can't spell "quote" correctly. I am a notoriously bad speller.
I just finished rereading the first book of Francine River's Mark of the Lion series. Don't be super impressed, I did do a lot of skimming. I started to read it again so that I could let the faith of the main character wash over me again. I know she is fictional, but I envy her gentle but fierce devotion to the Lord.
I've included some quotes that I found myself lingering over...(yes, mostly from the last few chapters from the book. I don't know why I didn't think of marking down encouraging or convicting phrases earlier.) These are pretty thought provoking, though. (At least for me.)
Conviction: He wants all of me. That thought alone is crazy. Who am I that the God of the universe would desire me? All of me? All of my love, my attention, my heart? So often I forget His love and grace and focus on my faults and ugly heart.
But how much am I willing to give up to Him? My heart desires to say "all," but my actions usually just reflect "brief visits to the temple." How easy it is for me to spend time with Him and the morning and leave Him in my car as I go to school. Lord, have all of me and not, merely, the pieces that are easy or comfortable for me to give up.
"Neocoros?" Atretes said, the word unfamiliar.
"'Temple sweeper.'" Sertes said. "The term once referred to the most menial of laborers, who was devoted to the care of the sacred temple. A term of humility that has become a title of honor." Sertes took a coin from a pouch at his waist and turned it over for Atretes to see. "Neocoros," he said, thumbing the writing on it. "Our city is thus exalted."
Conviction: "A term of humility that has become a title of honor." I know that "he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor" (Proverbs 29:23) But forgive me, Lord, for starting out seeking to humbly serve you, then priding myself, giving myself honor or a good 'ole pat on the back for my own humility. Humble my heart, Lord, truly. Open my eyes to my pride and false humility. I know it is everywhere.
"Yes," Julia agreed. "I've changed. I've grown up and developed a mind of my ow. My eyes are open, Marcus, wide open. Isn't that how you always encouraged me to be? Wasn't it you who introduced me to all the finer things the world has to offer? Wasn't it you who told me to watch out for people who would betray me? Well, dear brother, I've learned my lessons well." (p. 439)
Reaction: Genesis 3. And, Proverbs 3:5. Lord, help me to "be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil." (Romans 16:19).
"Unless we have something worth dying for, Atretes, we've nothing worth living for." (p. 485)
Reaction: Amen. (Matthew 16:246).
I won't lie, I also thought about all the things I daily kill myself to attain or to hold onto... I have a lot of idols in my life that continually "steal, kill, and destroy." I forget (continually) that Jesus has "come so that we might have, life and have it to the full" (John 10:10). I don't know why I so easily forget that and pursue so many things which feed into my idol of security and my idol of importance and my idol of my image. I pray that God would continue to be working these things out. Lord, how much differently I would live life if I truly found my identity in You! Help me, Father, resist finding my worth or identity in anything I do or any way I define myself. But to ultimately find rest and peace in You. May I be secure in who I am in You.
I love how a simple sentence or phrase can convict me and point me back to Christ. These might not have done much for you, but I wanted to make sure I documented these thoughts/convictions so I didn't forget about them until the next time I went back to skim The Mark of the Lion series...
I didn't know you were reading this series! I am reading it too and have just started the third book. So amazing! I love that we are distant but still so connected in cool ways. Can't wait to see you 2 months!