i am getting completely dominated.
i have felt like i have been treading water for a long time.
i had a full on break down yesterday.
but... the awesome thing is that in the midst of my meltdown, God had brought to mind so many of the things that i have been learning over the past few weeks.
the high school girls and i have been going through a bible study on the book of Ruth. i am so inspired by Ruth and of course loved doing an in depth study on her story. here is my favorite take away from her story:
i am so encouraged by the fact that the whole time Ruth was married to Mahlon, for about ten years (1:4), they never had a child. ten years and they never had a child! (now, i am assuming that they were not waiting to have kids because i am fairly confident that during that time it was very important to reproduce. it kept the man's family name going and it served as a source of glory and protection for women to have children.) if they would have had a child, there would be no point for Ruth's story to go on. she would not have left with Naomi and declared that Naomi's "God would be her God" (2:16), she would have never have met the bomb.com man of God, Boaz, and she never would have found her name listed in the genealogy of Christ (Matthew 1:5)!
kelly (the lady who wrote the study) did a great job of bringing that to our attention. however, the thing that i can't stop thinking about were the ten years ruth experienced married but childless. (disclaimer: the book of ruth does not really discuss this aspect, nor does kelly so i am assuming a lot here when i try to put myself in her shoes.) i am assuming that it was not for lack of trying that they did not have children. i am assuming it was very important for them to have children. i am assuming there might have been a lot of hurt, confusion, embarrassment because so much rested on the ability to have children (see Hannah or Leah & Rachel's stories) and frustration at not having children. ten years.
despite it all, Ruth was steady. she remained faithful, not bitter.
i find further encouragement in the later part of Ruth. Ruth lays it all out on the line and basically proposes to Boaz.
(if you think that makes Boaz passive, remember his response to her 3:10. He loved God's word so much that it is possible he never made a move because he knew there was a man who was of closer kin than him. Thus, one might assume it was not for lack of thought or desire that he never approached Ruth, but more to remain faithful to the Lord's commands. also, technically the law said he only had to sleep with Ruth to give her a child. the law doesn't say they have be married, Boaz took that liberty on his own. is Boaz too crazy of a name for my potential future children??)
Boaz tells her to wait till morning and then go back to Naomi. Naomi tells Ruth "wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. for the man will not rest until the matter is settled today. Meanwhile, Boaz went..." (3:18-4:1). While Ruth had to wait, Boaz went to town and worked on her behalf.
i love that. even though there was nothing more for Ruth to do but wait, Boaz was out, working on her behalf.
in the midst of my treading water, i take comfort in knowing that though i can't see God working, i know he is working on my behalf. even though this season of life seems long and hard, i know He is moving on my behalf. i need only to remain faithful to Him and wait, knowing that He is good and His heart is for me.
(another awesome tidbit about Ruth...Kelly mentioned that in the Hebrew Bible, Ruth came right after Proverbs. because of the content of the last chapter of proverbs (31- the wife of noble character), one could infer that Ruth's story is a living example of the proverbs 31 woman. seriously, read them back to back. you will find a lot of the proverbs 31 traits in Ruth's life and character.)
for those of you who feel like you are treading water, take heart. just keep swimming. God is moving on your behalf, even if you can't see it right now.
Randi! I'm so sorry that you have been so stressed out lately! If I were there I would totally make you take a day to just sit on the couch with me and drink coffee and watch Friends! Miss you little one and can't wait to see you SOOO SOON!!!!!!